MATLAB: Ecg signal frquency contents

ecg - frequncy contents

I need to determine frequncy contents of an ecg signal which i have loaded from a file , but the sampling frequency is Fs=1.0e+04 * 1.7869 I used fft , but when i plot i get frequencies close to zero .
X1=load( ) sig = load(fn) ; sig=x1(:,2); t=x1(:,1); Ls=length(sig); Fs=Ls/t(end)-t(1); I get : Fs=1.0e+04 * 1.7869 Nfft=2^nextpow2(Ls) Y = fft(sig,Nfft)/Ls; f=Fs/2*linspace(0,1,Nfft/2+1); subplot(2,1,2) plot(f,abs(fftshift(Y(1:Nfft/2+1))))

Best Answer

Hi code is attached. the signal also attached . Also the figure . I always get on the spectrum very low frequencies components . Thanks