MATLAB: Easy way to change foreground color into a single uitablesĀ“s cell

foreground colorsingle celluitablle

this time I have an uitable, filled with some data. I would like to be able to change the foreground color of some particular cells inside the uitable. For instance, if the values represented on one column are under a certain value, they should be written in black, otherwise if they are over the threshold they should be printed in blue inside the cell.
I have checked the documentation but I cannot find something helpful, and seem like the 'ForegroundColor' property is only affecting the whole uitable 'data' but not single cell elements.
I know that this could be possible managing some java code, but I am not that close to that world.
Can someone help me?

Best Answer

Please read this thread: CSSM: Yair's cell renderer
TMW suggests using HTML tags to change the foreground color: Solution D782JW
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