MATLAB: Easy question- matrix divide

matrix divide into sub-matrix

Dear friends,
I have relatively easy question for you. I couldn't manage it. I'm loading (dlmread) a huge matrix as a text file to my matlab code.
size(Matrix)= 300 10
I would like to divide this into sub-matrixes. Every 10 row will be a matrix. size(sub-Matrix)=10 10
So, I want to have 30 sub-matrixes. How can I do that?
Firstly, A=dlmread('A.txt')
A is 300*10 matrix.
A{1} is 10*10 matrix
First 10 Row of A is A{1}.
Second 10 Row of A is A{2}.
30th 10 Row of A is A{30}.

Best Answer

out = mat2cell(A,10*ones(30,1),size(A,2))