MATLAB: Each matrix of the of the cell should be unique/different from each other

cell arrayscomparing matrix

I am new to matlab. I have to create a cell in which each matrix is different from the earlier cell entries. Hence i am writng the code such that each matrix is checked before it is stored in cell with all previous matrix in the cell. That means, W{4} would be stored in the cell only if W{1},W{2},W{3} are different from W{4}. Can anyone help ? Thanks in advance.
clear all;
n = 2;
W=cell(5,1);% Different Matrix
i=1;% initialization
while i<6 % Iterations
a = zeros(n+1, 2)
a(randperm(numel(a), n)) = 1
if (sum(A(1,:))>=1) && (sum(A(n+1,:))==0)
for j=1:i
* *if W{j}~=W{i} %** Each matrix in the Cell should be different
% elseif sum(A_new(4,:))<=0

Best Answer

One way: use a 3D array, shuffle each matrix so that it is unique:
n = 2;
r = n+1;
z = zeros(r,n,5);
z(1,:,:) = 1;
p = 1;
while p<=size(z,3)
m = z(:,:,p);
m = reshape(m(randperm(numel(m))),r,n);
z(:,:,p) = m;
p = p+~any(all(all(bsxfun(@eq,m,z(:,:,1:p-1)),1),2),3);
Each matrix of z is unique:
>> z
z(:,:,1) =
1 0
0 0
0 1
z(:,:,2) =
0 0
0 1
0 1
z(:,:,3) =
1 0
0 1
0 0
z(:,:,4) =
0 0
0 1
1 0
z(:,:,5) =
1 0
0 0
1 0
Just for fun a very memory-inefficient solution:
>> n = 2;
>> m = zeros(n+1,n);
>> m(1,:) = 1;
>> p = perms(m(:)); % ouch! all permutations!
>> q = p(randi(size(p,1),1,5),:); % random subset
>> z = reshape(q.',n+1,n,[])
z(:,:,1) =
0 0
0 0
1 1
z(:,:,2) =
0 0
0 1
0 1
z(:,:,3) =
1 0
0 0
0 1
z(:,:,4) =
0 0
1 1
0 0
z(:,:,5) =
1 1
0 0
0 0