MATLAB: Dynamically name a struct

dynamic variablefield namesstructstructsvariable

I'm generating a GUI which users will type the name of a test and then generate structs based off of the test type. Right now they have 4 selections to choose from for struct naming (Body, Head, Leg, and New). I need this ability for the "New" element so that this code doesn't become useless when new test types are generated. (I'm only stating this because there are plenty of answers with naming struct fields that argue that I should never need to do this).
I have a temporary variable k, that holds the struct until the end, where I would like to essentially go (variable) = k, and have it generate
k.TestName k.SignalName k.Signals.. etc
(variable) = k;
(variable).TestName (variable).SignalName (variable).Signals.. etc
Any and all ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Best, ML

Best Answer

While it is possible to generate variables dynamically (just use eval) it's not recommended practice. Generating the variable name from user input, particularly, is asking for trouble. The way variables work in matlab, they shadow functions of the same name. So if the user decides to name your variable plus, that's addition broken in the rest of your program, name it eq and it's comparison that's broken.
You also have no guarantee that the string entered by the user is a valid variable name. So you have to pass the user input through genvarname or matlab.lang.makeValidName, but then the actual variable name may be different from the user input. Possible confusion...
I'm not clear on your end goal, but if what you want is a mapping between an arbitrary (user input) string and a value then you could use a map. Matlab's implementation of maps is a bit clunky but it does work.