MATLAB: Dynamically allocated variables with indices..

bad horrible ideadynamically allocatederrorevalsprintf

Hello folks,
Quick question. I need to dynamically allocate variables from a cell array using a string value within the cell.. I know it is not good practice to use eval but my application requires me to do this. The expression I require to be evaluated is:
eval(sprintf('%s = ''%s''',cell2mat(stocks(i,1)),cell2mat(C(1,k))))
- which has the output: AAVL = 300
However I need the output: AAVL(j,k) = 300
I am having trouble adding indices..
When I try this:
eval(sprintf('%s(%d,%d) = ''%s''',cell2mat(stocks(i,1)),j,k,cell2mat(C(1,k))))
which gives an error: Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts
cell2mat(stocks(i,1)) % yields the AAVL string
cell2mat(C(1,k))) % yields the value 300 which was initially a string
Any help would be much appreciated!

Best Answer

allvars.(stocks{i,1})(j,k) = str2double(C{1,k}));
That is, do not use eval, do not generate variable names on the fly. Use dynamic field names on a structure. Eventually you may need to save the structure as individual variables; you can do that with
save('AppropriateFilename.mat', 'allvars', '-struct')
which will create one variable in the .mat file for each field of structure allvars.