MATLAB: Dynamic vectors into cell


I have 3 vectors (here A,B and C) that could have diferent size (are dynamics, size is not define) and i need to make a cell like "MyCorrectData" where the last column ist logical.
A=[1 1 1]
B=[2 2 2]
C=logical([1 0 1])
MyCorrectData={1 2 true; 1 2 false; 1 2 true}; %this is what i want

This works almost fine, but the last column lost the type and convert in double
A=[1 1 1]
B=[2 2 2]
C=logical([1 0 1])
MyCorrectData={1 2 true; 1 2 false; 1 2 true}; %this is what i want
MyData=[A B C]
How can i solve this?

Best Answer

It is very easy to get what you want, you just need to avoid concatenating all of the numeric/logical data together, e.g.:
>> D = [num2cell(A(:)),num2cell(B(:)),num2cell(C(:))]
D =
[1] [2] [1]
[1] [2] [0]
[1] [2] [1]
And checking:
>> MyCorrectData={1 2 true; 1 2 false; 1 2 true}; %this is what i want
>> isequal(D,MyCorrectData)
ans =
For an arbitrary number of arrays just put them into the cell array first, e.g.:
>> D = {A,B,C}; % any number of suitably-sized arrays.
>> D = cellfun(@(a)num2cell(a(:)),D,'uni',0);
>> D = [D{:}] % horzcat
D =
[1] [2] [1]
[1] [2] [0]
[1] [2] [1]