MATLAB: Dynamic ranges using xlswrite


Hi all,
I want to write my results into excel. This works perfectly, only I want my ranges to become dynamic. At the moment I have this:
xlswrite('d:\test3.xlsx',stuff(:,:,newtry,1), sprintf('Sheet%d',newtry), 'C1:CX20')
In this case the results would be 100 (C->CX) columns long and 20 rows deep (1->20), where 100 (i) & 20 (cnt) naturally represent for-loops.
But is it possible to make this range dynamic? In other words, if I change i to 50 and cnt to 5 so that 'C1:CX20' automatically changes to 'C1:AY5'.
I hope I'm being clear. Thanks in forward!

Best Answer

You can do this by dynamically creating the character string that you send to xlswrite to specify xl range.
Something like this:
>> firstRow = 1;
>> lastRow = 5;
>> firstCol = 'C';
>> lastCol = 'AY';
>> cellRange = [firstCol,num2str(firstRow),':',lastCol,num2str(lastRow)]
cellRange =
The only thing left, is to figure out what "lastCol" is based on the column number. I wrote a function to do this myself a little while back. I know there are other versions floating around as well.
For example:
>> xlcolumnletter(51)
ans =
Here's the code:
function colLetter = xlcolumnletter(colNumber)
% Excel formats columns using letters.
% This function returns the letter combination that corresponds to a given
% column number.
% Limited to 702 columns
if( colNumber > 26*27 )
error('XLCOLUMNLETTER: Requested column number is larger than 702. Need to revise method to work with 3 character columns');
% Start with A-Z letters
atoz = char(65:90)';
% Single character columns are first
singleChar = cellstr(atoz);
% Calculate double character columns
n = (1:26)';
indx = allcomb(n,n);
doubleChar = cellstr(atoz(indx));
% Concatenate
xlLetters = [singleChar;doubleChar];
% Return requested column
colLetter = xlLetters{colNumber};