MATLAB: Dynamic Output File Naming – Screen Capture


Hello, I have a loop for some image processing and at the end of the each loop, I have to take a screenshot of Matlab. (for my case, imwrite or saveas functions are not applicable for me, that's why I have to use screen capture.)
For this, I've found the following Java-based code;
robo = java.awt.Robot;
t = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
rectangle = java.awt.Rectangle(t.getScreenSize());
image = robo.createScreenCapture(rectangle);
filehandle ='screencapture.jpg');
I have a basic loop of i.e. 'for i=1:N' and I need to create output files with the "i" name of the loop i.e. for 1st loop, output name should be "1.jpg", second "2.jpg"… etc.
I will be very faithful if you can guide me on this. Thank you very much in advance.

Best Answer

I think if you change
filehandle ='screencapture.jpg');
filehandle =[num2str(i), '.jpg']);
you should get what you want. The imageview('screencapture.jpg'); will not work anymore though, you will also need to change that ...