MATLAB: Dynamic (non-string) variable name in Matlab ‘save’ function, using inputdlg

inputdlgnon-string variablesave function

Hi everybody,
Is it possible to define the name of 'save' function's variable dynamically by using inpudlg. I want to save and append my derived variables to a workspace, table, or text file. So, at the end I have my derived variables.
prompt = {'Enter a name for the derived variable:'};
dlg_title = 'Input';
num_lines = 1;
defAns = {''};
answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,defAns);
answer = devar; % answer and devar are going to change
save('D Variables.mat', 'answer', '-append')
In the last line of the above code, I want the 'answer', that is a string, to be changed as the result of inputdlg result, i.e. answer that is dynamic.
Though, combination of 'array2table' and 'writetable' functions let me to have my variable (with its header), I am not able to append the new variable to the previous storied variables.
How can I fix this code?

Best Answer

save('D Variables.mat', answer, '-append')