MATLAB: Duplicate x,y in table; get min/max of variables to new table


I have a large dataset, small subset attached. There are duplicate x,y values. I need a cleaned table with "var1_max, var1_min, var2_max, var2_min" etc. for every duplicate "x,y"
I'm just not sure where to start setting up the problem. Thanks for any pointers to get going. Using Matlab R2018a, no fancy add-ons/packages
file_in = 'example.csv';
data_in = readtable(file_in);
%%table_out.Properties.VariableNames = {'id', 'x', 'y', 'var1_max', 'var1_min', ...
%% 'var2_max', 'var2_min', 'var3_max', 'var3_min', 'var4_max', 'var4_min', ...
%% 'var5_max', 'var5_min', 'var6_max', 'var6_min', 'var7_max', 'var7_min'};

Best Answer

One potential solution that is simple to implement is to use groupsummary. You can have your data grouped by x and y, and have it return the within-group min, mean, and max for table variables you specify.
However, you prescribe wanting NaN for mid-value if there are min/max values. This won't do that .It will provide values for all 3 statistics. Also note that group summary will only return one row for each group. You can use the join function if you want to merge the two together.
newData = groupsummary(data_in,{'x','y'},{'min','mean','max'},["var1","var2","var3","var4","var5","var6","var7"])