MATLAB: Duplicate plots into subplot


I am using a code that generates a series of plot, each having their own full scale figure. I'd like to know if there is a way to generate an additional figure with subplot using simply the subplot command and the handles of the previous plots ?
Instead of repeating the plot instruction twice (one for the main figure, and one for the copy in the subplot)
Ideally something like (with my figures handles being fig_i) subplot(2,2,1,'fig1') subplot(2,2,2,'fig2') etc
is this supported ?

Best Answer

Consider using copyobj which will allow you to copy a graphics object from one parent to another. Suppose you have the following figure which displays a single axes with the sine curve drawn on it
x = linspace(-2*pi,2*pi,500);
y = sin(x);
hCurve = plot(x,y,'r');
So we create a figure and draw the sine curve to it. The output from plot is a handle to the graphics object, and is saved to hCurve.
In a second figure we create the figure and two sup lots
hSub1 = subplot(2,1,1);
hSub2 = subplot(2,1,2);
hSub1 and hSub2 are handles to the axes of each subplot. We then copy the curve to the first axes as
And we see that the sine curve has been copied over.
You can do something similar starting with your fig_i handle. Since it is a handle to a figure, then you want to first get the handle to the axes on that figure (let's assume that you just have the one axes). You can do this as
hFigIAxes = findobj('Parent',fig_i,'Type','axes');
So the above searches for any graphics object whose parent is the handle fig_i and whose type is axes. We then can copy the axes children (which are the graphics objects drawn on it) to the subplot
if ~isempty(hFigIAxes)
hAxes = hFigIAxes(1); % assume just the one axes
Try the above and see what happens!