MATLAB: DriveLine Environment Error

Simscape Drivelinesimulink

Hi, I am working in SimDriveline environment. The following error came while I was simulating the model.
Error occurred in 'Vehicle/Driveline Environment'. Derivative input 1 of 'Vehicle/Driveline Environment/Subsystem/Kinematic Block' at time 0.4 is Inf or NaN. Stopping simulation. There may be a singularity in the solution. If not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances).
Please help me sort out the problem.

Best Answer

There can be many causes for this error.
One example is if there is no mass in your system. Simulink will try to solve "F=ma", but if there is no mass, the acceleration will be infinite.
Other models that are "too ideal" can cause such problem.
Usually, you work around such problem by making your model more realistic, by including damping or masses in your system.
Without the model, it is difficult to diagnose more accurately.
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