MATLAB: Drawnow() causing very slow display of images


Hi all,
I've read several other questions on this but didn't find a satisfactory answer. My apologies however, if this is already up.
I am building a GUI to display processed video. I do this using
for each frame in a loop. It is VERY slow. Approx 0.5 seconds per frame (~12 seconds to display 1 second of video in real time). It also accounts for half my total processing time per frame.
Can I make it faster?
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Cheers, KB

Best Answer

I solved that problem with older versions of MATLAB by putting in a "cla" or "cla('reset')" into the code just before the imshow. Evidently with older versions sometimes the images "stack up" and are all in there and you're just piling one on top of another and it gets slower and slower as it runs out of memory. Try that and let me know if it speeds it up.
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