MATLAB: Drawing circles on a x axis

.mat filecell arrayscirclesdraw

I have some data of points. I have x values of them. The y of all of them is 0
I want to draw those points as circles on the x axis.
I have attached the file with the question.
The code which I am using to load the file is
[files,pathToFiles] = uigetfile('*.mat',...
'Select One or More Files', ...
'MultiSelect', 'on');
out = {};
if ~iscell(files)
out{1} = load(fullfile(pathToFiles, files));
for k = 1:length(files)
out{k} = load(fullfile(pathToFiles, files{k}));
out = struct2cell(out{1});
Does anybody know how to draw them as circles..?

Best Answer

Probably the easiest way:
D = load('NodalList.mat');
GlobalMesh = D.GlobalMesh;
plot(GlobalMesh, zeros(size(GlobalMesh)), 'o', 'MarkerSize', 10)
xlim([-0.05 0.55])
The scatter function allow you to individually vary the sizes and colours of the circles, if you want to do that.