MATLAB: Drawing a segment of a circle


I would like to draw a segment of a circle (like a slice of a pizza) but cannot find an easy way to do it.
I am currently drawing triangles using fill function but ideally I need one side of the triangle to be curved. Is there a way to specify a curvature of a line? Thanks B

Best Answer

There are several files in the File Exchange that will do what you want. Here is one:
Also, here is a simple function that could be modified to draw just a segment:
function h = circle(x,y,r,nsegments)
if nargin<4
hold on
th = 0:2*pi/nsegments:2*pi;
xunit = r * cos(th) + x;
yunit = r * sin(th) + y;
h = plot(xunit, yunit);
hold off