MATLAB: Draw pairwise line between each sample of two curves

digital image processingdigital signal processingsignal processing

hello. I have two curves in a graph. how can i draw lines between each sample of curves. for example draw a line between sample 10 of curve 1 and between sample 10 of curve 2? both curves consist of 45 samples. and i want to draw line between each two corresponding samples. could anyone help me please?
s1: first signal
s2:second signal
figure; hold on;
%xlabel('time (s)');
%ylabel('amplitude (mV)');
title('Original disaligned waves');
dtw_Dist, dtw_k
the image attached is the figure consisting my two curves

Best Answer

N = 10 ;
x = 1:N ;
S1 = [x' rand(N,1)] ;
S2 = [x' rand(N,1)+5] ;
hold on
plot(S1(:,1), S1(:,2))
plot(S2(:,1), S2(:,2))
for i = 1:N
plot([S1(i,1) S2(i,1)],[S1(i,2) S2(i,2)])