MATLAB: Downloading the same file to multiple locations


Hello all,
I want to download a single file from an ftp server but place multiples copies of it in different target directories in my local PC.
I was doing the following:
ftpobj = ftp('');
mget(ftpobj,'README.txt', C:\Users\Desktop\folder1);
This downloads the 'README.txt' file into my target folder having the path – C:\Users\Desktop\folder1.
I would however like to have the same 'README.txt' file in multiple folders like for example in C:\Users\Desktop\folder1, C:\Users\Desktop\folder2 and C:\Users\Desktop\folder3 with the condition that the file 'README.txt' should be downloaded ONLY ONCE from the ftp server.
Is there any way to do that – i.e is it possible to download the file into multiples folders/targets using mget?

Best Answer

Yes. Download it then use the local path and copyfile