MATLAB: Downloading text files from Matlab causes them to be corrupted

corrupted text filedownload

From my matlab program, I have saved a number of variables (128×128 matrices) as text files. When I open them on matlab itself (Matlab online r2020a), they open fine and display the numeric data I want. However when I download them, either individually or in bulk as a zip file, the .txt files display only junk values, when opened in Notepad. Why could this be happening and what is the fix?
Attaching a screenshot of the files viewed in program, and after download:

Best Answer

Don't use Notepad. Use Notepad++ or any editor created in the last 20 years. Notepad is so old it is only able to properly handle files that have both carriage return and newline at the end of each line; the files you are downloading have linefeeds but no carriage returns.
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