MATLAB: Doubt NarX network and its implementation to meet future value

Deep Learning Toolboxnarx

I would ask a question and I comentarais if possible. I have long been trying to establish a network of university Narxen work. My purpose is to predict the behavior of the closing price from a few inputs (volumen. …) and some targets (closing price). I wish you would tell me if it is possible to do this with the network NarX. I developed a code in which I try to do 30 iterations in closeloop but I realized that future values introduced in this matrix, which is impossible because I can not introduce variables that will happen tomorrow for example. If anyone knows the answer it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

Best Answer

Future values are NOT intoduced.
PREDICTIONS of future values are introduced.
Understand the difference now?
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer.