MATLAB: Doubt in resolve error


Hi… In simulink i have the next error:
At time 6.08114609259574e-019, simulation hits (1000) consecutive zero crossings. Consecutive zero crossings will slow down the simulation or cause the simulation to hang. To continue the simulation, you may 1) Try using Adaptive zero-crossing detection algorithm or 2) Disable the zero crossing of the blocks shown in the following table.
Why i resolve this?

Best Answer

You follow the advice by the error message, right? For 1), click menu Simulation>Configuration Parameters ..., select "Solver" in the left column, go to the panel "Zero-Crossing options", select "Adaptive" from the "Algorithm" dropdown menu.
For 2), you must have some blocks that enable the zero-crossing checking. Follow the links in the table, disable the zero-crossing.
BTW, this info can be found in the documentation: Simulink>User's guide>Introduction to Simulink>How Simulink works>Simulating Dynamic Systems>Zero-Crossing Detection
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