MATLAB: Double for loop to generate vector from sequential results

arraysfor loopMATLABmatrices

I am trying to generate a "Double for loop", the general idea is execute some operations with matrices, but there is a scalar variable multiplying some of the matrices. Hence, I want the variable "om" to change from 1.01 to 1.99 at 0.01 increments, next calculate the eigenvalues of the resulting matrix, and finally store them in a vector array from 1 to 99. But, what happens in my code is that matlab solves all "om" values, and then stores the very last calculated eigenvalue 99 times.
This is the code thus far:
%Define Matrices
A1 = [52 -1 0 -51;...
-51 52 -1 0;...
0 -51 52 -1;...
-1 0 -51 52];
A2 = [52 -1 0 -0;...
-51 52 -1 0;...
0 -51 52 -1;...
0 0 -51 52];
%L-U Decomposition
[L1,U1,P1] = lu(A1); %Matrix A1
D1 = diag(diag(A1));
[L2,U2,P2] = lu(A2); %Matrix A2
D2 = diag(diag(A2));
%Iteration matrix (M1) for A1
vs = 1.01:0.01:1.99;
s = size(vs,2);
ev1 = 1:s;
eM1 = 1:s;
for i = 1:s
for om = 1.01:0.01:1.99
M1 = inv(D1-om*L1)*((1-om)*D1+om*U1); %Generate M1 varying omega
eM1 = eig(M1); %Calculate eigenvalues
%e1M1 = eM1(1,1);
%e2M1 = eM1(2,1);
%e3M1 = eM1(3,1);
%e4M1 = eM1(4,1);
ev1(i) = eM1(1,1);
The A2, and D2 values currently are not used.
Thank you

Best Answer

You are overthinking things, you only need one loop:
vs = 1.01:0.01:1.99;
s = size(vs,2);
ev1 = nan(1,s); % preallocate
for k = 1:s
om = vs(k);
M1 = inv(D1-om*L1)*((1-om)*D1+om*U1); %Generate M1 varying omega
eM1 = eig(M1); %Calculate eigenvalues
%e1M1 = eM1(1,1);
%e2M1 = eM1(2,1);
%e3M1 = eM1(3,1);
%e4M1 = eM1(4,1);
ev1(k) = eM1(1,1);
Note that inv is not recommended for solving systems of equations: read the inv help for info on how to replace it with more efficient and numerically precise operations. You should use mldivide:
% ^ Read the INV documentation!