MATLAB: Double-clicking objects in Workspace pane opens Property Inspector not Variable Editor


Why can't I view the values of an object's properties by opening the Variable Editor from the workspace pane?
When I double-click objects in the workspace pane MATLAB opens the Property Inspector, which does not allow access to the values inside the object's properties.

Best Answer

In MATLAB R2019b, a feature was introduced that opens the Property Inspector on double-click of an object in the workspace panel. In previous releases, this action opened the Variable Editor.
The recommended solution is to update MATLAB to the latest version of R2019b or beyond. The original behavior of the releases prior to MATLAB R2019b has been re-implemented in Update 2 of MATLAB R2019b.
If updating is not an option, the recommended workaround to open the Variable Editor for an object and execute:
>> openvar(obj)
For more information, see the following External Bug Report: