MATLAB: Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type+ App designer

app designerindexing

At below line, I am getting error: "Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type." what could be the possible reason?
app.idx = listdlg('ListString', {sFOLDERS(:).name}, 'SelectionMode', 'single',
'ListSize', [160,90]*4);
here sFOLDER is defined as;
app.sFOLDERS = dir(PTH);
app.sFOLDERS = app.sFOLDERS(
[app.sFOLDERS.isdir] &
~strcmp({},'.') & % to remove entry '.'
~strcmp({},'..') ); % and entry '..'

Best Answer

Usually when I unexpectedly get that error message it is because the object is empty. Are you sure there are folders that match your criteria. Otherwise maybe app.sFOLDERS is empty. You can explicitly check using the isempty function
Also, maybe I didn't read your code carefully enough but in that first line
app.idx = listdlg('ListString', {sFOLDERS(:).name}, 'SelectionMode', 'single', ...
'ListSize', [160,90]*4);
should that be app.sFOLDERS(:).name, rather than just sFOLDERS(:)?
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