MATLAB: Don’t understand error


Working on a function that will determine the angle needed to launch a projectile at in order to hit a target, works like a newton solver. I have a script to run the function
for theta=0:0.1:pi
V_int=380; % (m/s)
target=400; % (meters)
dt=0.1; % (seconds)
fprintf('Angle needed to travel 400 meters is %3.1f radians\n', THETA);
Then I have a function that calculates the distance travled over a range of angles to ensure that the projectile will be within range of the target
function [x,y]=projectile(V_int,theta,dt)
time = dt; %(seconds)
k = 0.32; %drag coefficient (given)
g = -9.81; %(m/s^2)
%First time step in x direction
x(1) = 0; %initial x position (meters)
v_int_x = V_int*cos(theta); %initial velocity in x direction (m/s)
a_x = -v_int_x*k; %initial acceleration in x direction (m/s^2)
x(2) = x(1)+v_int_x*time+0.5*a_x*(time^2); %second position in x direction (meters)
v_fin_x = v_int_x+a_x*time; %(m/s)
%First time step in y direction
y(1) = 0; %initial y postision (meters)
v_int_y = V_int*sin(theta); %initial velocity in y direction (m/s)
a_y = g-v_int_y*k; %initial acceleration in y direction (m/s^2)
y(2)=y(1)+v_int_y*time+0.5*a_x*(time^2); %second y position (meters)
v_fin_y=v_int_y+a_y*time; %second velocity in y direction (m/s)
time=time+dt; %time step added to time already elapsed to give total time
i=3; %counter
while y(i-1)>=0
%calculates x values
a_x=-v_fin_x*k; %acceleration in x direction for each time step (m/s^2)
x(i)=x(i-1)+v_fin_x*time+0.5*a_x*(time^2); %x position for each time step (meters)
v_fin_x=v_fin_x+a_x*time; %velocity in x direction for each time step (m/s)
%calculates y values
a_y=g-v_fin_y*k; %acceleration in y direction for each time step (m/s^2)
y(i)=y(i-1)+v_fin_y*time+0.5*a_y*(time^2); %position in y direction for each time step (meters)
v_fin_y=v_fin_y+a_y*time; %velocity in y direction for each time step (m/s)
%change counter and timestep to continue loop
i=i+1; %updates placement of next series of numbers for vectors
time=time+dt; %updates total time elapsed (seconds)
And now I am trying to finish the function that will determine the angle needed for the given target
function THETA=missile(V_int,theta,dt) % Given initial velocity, theta, change in theta and a time step,
% function will determine the change in horizontal distance.
for theta=0:0.1:pi %(radians)
%determine the angle that will give the maximum distance travled
index=(find(x==max(x))); % Finds largest distance traveled fo all values theta
max_theta=theta(index); % Max theta used to go furthest distance
x_distance_1=max(abs(x)); % Max distance traveled
theta_1=max_theta; % Max theta will become first theta used
dist_from_target=x_distance_1-target; % Determines how far from target the missile landed

theta=theta_1-0.1; %changes theta so function can be run again and we can determine change_in_theta
while error>=2 || error<=-2 % Loop will run as long as the error is more that 2 meters in either direction
I am getting an error in line 12 of this last function,
dist_from_target=x_distance_1-target; % Determines how far from target the missile landed
I'm guessing it has something to do with the naming of the variable between the two functions? But I am not getting a reason for the error when it pops up in the command window.

Best Answer

You need to pass target into the function(s) that need it. Try this when you define the missile() function:
function THETA = missile(V_int, theta, dt, target)
Then when you call missile(), pass in target:
THETA = missile(V_int, theta, dt, target);