MATLAB: Don’t these functions exist


I just downloaded Matlab R2015b without any Toolboxes or Simulink (just the base matlab) for reasons of memory. I was wondering if this was why I don't have access to functions like "knnsearch" and "syms". For example
help knnsearch
Gives an error saying:
knnsearch not found.
Use the Help browser search field to search the documentation, or type "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.

Best Answer

Obviously it is not possible to use functions from toolboxes that you do not have. And the online documentation makes it easy to check what toolbox a function is in. Open these pages and check the top left-hand corner, just under the "Contents" title: says "Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox"
This info is also shown in the web-address/URL for each page, and is repeated at the bottom of the page too.
To know what toolboxes you have installed, run ver in the command window. Without those toolboxes you cannot use those functions.