MATLAB: Doesn’t calculate the integral (only int sign is added)


I have difficulty in obtaining the indefinite integral equation.
Syms x
When I do int (fun, x), he just puts an integral sign in front of him. It does not provide the solution.

Best Answer

Actually, Wolfram Alpha got this one with no help. But sometime you need to do a little extra. The obvious thing I would try is a simple transformation. And the logical one is?
u = x^(1/3)
Or, if you prefer,
x = u^3
Then we have
dx = 3*u^2 du
The problem now reduces to:
Iu = int(u^3 * 3*u^2 * sqrt(1 + 1/9*u^(-4)),u)
Iu =
(u^2*(9*u^4 + 1)*(1/(9*u^4) + 1)^(1/2))/18
Now we can transform back to x using subs. Assuming my pencil and paper substitutions were correct.