MATLAB: Does XPCTEST in xPC Target fail during Test 4

4com portfailedfailsfromreadfilereadingSimulink Real-Timetargetwhilexpcxpctest

The xPC Target Diagnostic Guide found at the URLs
indicates that this could be a compiler problem, but I have confirmed that my compiler is correctly set up by successfully compiling a model in the past.
Also, when I try to build and download a model from Simulink I obtain the following error:
ReadFile failed while reading from COM-port

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
We have verified that there might be an interrupt conflict between the COM port and the mouse in the target PC. To work around this issue,
1. In the MATLAB Command Window, type "xpcexplr".
xPC Target Explorer opens.
2. In the xPC Target Explorer, expand the target PC of interest, then select the Appearance node.
3. Select None in the Target mouse pull down menu.
4. Recreate the boot disk. Perform the following:
a) Insert a formatted floppy disk.
b) Select the Configuration node, then click Create BootDisk.
5. Insert the new boot disk in the target PC floppy disk drive and reboot the target PC.
6. In the MATLAB Command Window, rerun xpctest.