MATLAB: Does Windows 2000 crash MATLAB when I open a docking window with certain Matrox video cards


If I have a figure open that is using OpenGL as the renderer, and I open the Plot Tools to enable editing on the figure, the computer crashes, and I have to press the power button in order to restart. I am running Windows 2000, and I have a Matrox video card.

Best Answer

This is an issue with running MATLAB on Windows 2000 with certain Matrox video cards. In order for this issue to occur, the following conditions must be met:
  • The Operating system must be Windows 2000.
  • The graphics card must be made by Matrox (the problem is known to exist on the Matrox G450 and G550).
  • The drivers for the video card must be < 5.92
(Please see resolution documents for additional information)
Currently, to work around this issue, there are three potential solutions (which are listed according to preference):
1) Update the video card driver for your computer. It is recommended to use version 5.92 (which is the latest at the time of writing). You may obtain this driver at the following URL:
2) You may use the following command from the MATLAB Command Window to work around the problematic behavior:
feature(OpenGLDockingBug, 1)
3) If neither of these solutions work, it will be necessary to use software OpenGL. In order to do this, please see Solution 1-18004 (if you are on Windows) or Solution 1-17YM3 (if you are on a Unix machine).
Please see resolution documents for additional information.