MATLAB: Does validation of an HPC Server 2008 parallel configuration fail at Find Resource

Parallel Computing Toolbox

Validation of an HPC Server 2008 Parallal Configuration fails at the Find Resource stage with the following error message:
Stage: Find Resource
Status: Failed
Description: An otherwise unexpected error is encountered.
Command Line Output: (none)
Error Report:
Error using ==> distcomp.configurableobject.pSetConfiguration at 40
Error when using the 'scheduler' section of the configuration 'hpcserverconfig1':
Failed to use cluster client utilities for version HPCServer2008
I receive this message even though I've verified that the HPC Cluster Client utilities have been installed on the MATLAB client machine.

Best Answer

This error indicates that MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT) cannot interface with the HPC client utilites via .NET. Most likely this is due to missing HPC Scheduler .NET assemblies in the .NET Global Assemblies Cache.
This error can also occur if you are using a 32-bit client. R2010b MATLAB and older supports connection to HPC Server for 64-bit Windows only. For more information about 32-bit clients, see the related solution 1-DXB7AM.
You can check for the presence of the Microsoft.Hpc.Scheduler assembly by browsing the GAC through Windows Explorer. You can view the the GAC by browsing to the following location:
If the Microsoft.Hpc.Scheduler assembly is missing you should reinstall the HPC Server 2008 client utilities.
If the assembly does exist but you continue to receive the validation failure, you can work around this error by changing the ClusterVersion field of the parallel configuration to "CCS". This will force MATLAB to interface with the HPC client utilities via the COM interface, rather than .NET.
NOTE: some advanced HPC Server functionality is unavailable when ClusterVersion is set to CCS, including job templates and SOA job submission.