MATLAB: Does training perfomance change when a validation set is considered

Deep Learning Toolboxearly stoppingtrainingvalidation

For example, I considered the input and output:
input=1:1:10 output=[1:2:15 24 24]
and then I try 3 different options:
OPTION 1 rand('twister',1) net = feedforwardnet(4); net.trainParam.epochs =3; net.divideFcn='divideind'; [net.divideParam.trainInd,net.divideParam.valInd,net.divideParam.testInd] = divideind(10,1:10); [net,tr,Y1,E1] = train(net,input,output);
OPTION 2 rand('twister',1) net = feedforwardnet(4); net.trainParam.epochs =3; net.divideFcn='divideind'; [net.divideParam.trainInd,net.divideParam.valInd,net.divideParam.testInd] = divideind(10,1:8,9:10); %net.divideParam.trainRatio=1;net.divideParam.valRatio=0;net.divideParam.testRatio=0; [net,tr,Y1,E1] = train(net,input,output);
OPTION 3 rand('twister',1) net = feedforwardnet(4); net.trainParam.epochs =3; net.divideFcn='divideind'; [net.divideParam.trainInd,net.divideParam.valInd,net.divideParam.testInd] = divideind(8,1:8); [net,tr,Y1,E1] = train(net,input(:,1:8),output(:,1:8));
The initialisations are similar, the all 3 options stopped because they reached the maximum epoch. I checked epoch=0 and the weights and bias are similar but the (training) performance isn't. And from epoch=0, everything is different when comparing the 3 options. If I don't change divideFcn and I consider the same experiments as before, using the same indices for training, I have the same problem. So it isn't because of divideind! I'd like to understand why this is happening. I checked the functions step by step. Could anyone help me? Thank you very much. Ana

Best Answer

The difference in the last two results was completely caused by using
1) ... = train(net,input(:,1:8),output(:,1:8));
instead of
2) ... = train(net,input,output);
Verification: For each of these 2 syntaxes I ran 3 trials for one epoch with
a. divideind(10,1:8,9:10);
b. divideind(10,1:8);
c. divideind(8,1:8);
For each syntax the 3 trials yielded identical results.
The reason why probably lies in the code of train:
type train
Hope this helps.
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