MATLAB: Does this question mean that I have to minus “1” from each element of matrix “A”? Any hint would help!

matrixmatrix manipulation

write a function that accepts in a matrix of any size(A) and outputs a matrix B such that on element-by -element basis? Then test it for any given matrix.

Best Answer

That's fairly challenging compared to most homework problems we see. Since it needs to work with any number of dimensions, even up to a 20 dimensional matrix or more, I'd use linear indexing and ind2sub to get the i,j,k,etc. from the linear index. So start out something like this:
sizeA = size(A);
for linearIndex = 1 : numel(A)
indexes = .... some function to give you i,j,k,l,.... ind2sub() doesn't work.
for index = 1 : length(indexes)
thisIndex = indexes(linearIndex);
B(linearIndex) = A(linearIndex) + thisIndex - 1;
The tricky part is to get the "indexes" array. I thought ind2sub() would work but I couldn't get it to, unless I knew the number of outputs to expect in advance . In other words,
indexes = ind2sub(size(A), linearIndex);
surprisingly does not work to give you i,j,k,l,m,..... etc. (all as elements of a 1D array "indexes") unless you know in advance the last letter you'd need . At least I couldn't figure it out. So you might have to write that yourself.