MATLAB: Does this matlab function throw an error on the first call and how to prevent the error


I have made some minor modifications to make it work with the 2016a version. This function throws an error the first time I call it, stating that: Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in errorbar_tick (line 48) x = h.Bar.VertexData(1,:); On a repeated call, it works. What is going on here and how can I fix this problem?
The modified code, in its entirety, is below.
function errorbar_tick(h,w,xtype)
%ERRORBAR_TICK Adjust the width of errorbars
% ERRORBAR_TICK(H) adjust the width of error bars with handle H.
% Error bars width is given as a ratio of X axis length (1/80).
% ERRORBAR_TICK(H,W) adjust the width of error bars with handle H.
% The input W is given as a ratio of X axis length (1/W). The result
% is independent of the x-axis units. A ratio between 20 and 80 is usually fine.
% ERRORBAR_TICK(H,W,'UNITS') adjust the width of error bars with handle H.
% The input W is given in the units of the current x-axis.

% See also ERRORBAR
% Author: Arnaud Laurent
% Creation : Jan 29th 2009
% MATLAB version: R2007a
% Notes: This function was created from a post on the french forum :
% Author : Jerome Briot (Dut)
% It was further modified by Arnaud Laurent and Jerome Briot.
% Check numbers of arguments
% Check for the use of V6 flag ( even if it is depreciated ;) )
flagtype = get(h,'type');
% Check number of arguments and provide missing values
if nargin==1
w = 80;
if nargin<3
xtype = 'ratio';
% Calculate width of error bars
if ~strcmpi(xtype,'units')
dx = diff(get(gca,'XLim')); % Retrieve x limits from current axis
w = dx/w; % Errorbar width
% Plot error bars
if strcmpi(flagtype,'errorbar') % ERRORBAR(...)
x = h.Bar.VertexData(1,:); % Retrieve bar xdata from errorbar
dp = length(x)/3; % 3 data points per error bar
m = 1; % Multiplier for addition/subtraction
for ii = 1:dp
m = -1*m; % Switch between subtraction and addition
x(dp+ii:dp:end) = x(ii)+m*w/2; % Change xdata with respect to the chosen ratio
h.Bar.VertexData(1,1:end) = x;
error('Please enter an ErrorBar object!');

Best Answer

The answer is in the comments of this question:
According to Lamia Kasmi:
" Thanks, indeed it works in the command window, however it doesn't in a script. The solution to that is that one needs to add a "drawnow" after calling the errorbar function and before calling the errorbar_tick function, otherwise errorbar_tick might be faster than the plotting and it might look for the handle before it is even created by the errorbar function. So in summary, in a script, one should use errorbar_tick in the following way:
x = [1 2 3 4];
y = [1 2 1 2];
dy = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1];
h = errorbar(x,y,dy);
errorbar_tick(h) "