MATLAB: Does this character vector match any of the following character vectors

character vectorcompareMATLABor operator

How can I check to see if a particular character vector or string matches anything in a list of other character vectors/strings? For example, if the current month is June, July, or August, I want to call the current season Summer; if not, I want to call the current season notSummer. I tried this:
if strcmp(currentMonth,'June'||'July'||'August')
currentSeason = 'Summer'
currentSeason = 'NotSummer'
But it gives me the error message "Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values."
I also tried it with just commas instead of ||, but it said I had too many input arguments for strcmp().
How can I compare strings in this way?
Thank you.

Best Answer

You could use cell arrays. E.g., use
instead of
Or if you wanted a case insensitive check