MATLAB: Does the xPC target loader in xPC Target 5.2 (R2012a) not recognize all the memory on the target machine

memoryramSimulink Real-Timexpc

I just booted up my target machine with the xPC Target kernel. The target is a PC with 4 GB of RAM. However, when the xPC Target Loader loads, it only shows 508 MB of memory.

Best Answer

The amount of memory shown in the xPC target loader is the memory that can be used for dynamically allocated buffer. All available RAM may be utilized by using the following steps:
1. Confirm that the BIOS on the target PC recognizes all the RAM upon startup.
2. When setting up xPC on the host computer, please use the following command to get into the xPC Target Explorer:
>> xpcexplr
Under "Target Settings", there should be a setting for the target RAM size (Manual or Auto). Changing this setting allows xPC to recognize more RAM. Note that the xPC kernel can only use a maximum of 2 GB of memory, because this is the maximum for the virtual memory manager.