MATLAB: Does the xPC Target 2.8(R14SP3) documentation not list Quatech among the hardware board manufacturers though the QSC-100 and ESC-100 boards are supported

Simulink Real-Time

In the documentation, under "Hardware Board Manufacturers", it mentions that
"xPC Target provides driver blocks to support the following board manufacturers". However Quatech is not mentioned though the QSC-100 and ESC-100 boards are supported.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2006b (R2006b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is an error within the documentation for xPC Target 2.8 (R14SP3) within the "Hardware Board Manufacturers" section. The documentation should read as follows:
The following boards are supported by xPC Target 2.8 (R14SP3):