MATLAB: Does the xPC boot floppy creation process not work when the current working directory is read-only

bootdiskdiskdriveSimulink Real-Time

When I try to create a boot floppy from the XPCEXPLR GUI, the process starts and never ends. The light on the floppy drive switches off after sometime but no boot floppy is created. My current working directory is read-only.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2006b (R2006b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
There is an omission in the documentation about required directory permissions for xPC Target. Here is the missing informaiton:
You must have write permission for the xPC Target current working directory when creating a boot floppy from the xPC Target Explorer. The xPC Target Explorer writes temporary files in the current directory and requires you to have write permission for this directory.
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