MATLAB: Does the WLAN Toolbox support WLAN full duplex communication

WLAN Toolbox

Does the WLAN Toolbox support WLAN full duplex communication?

Best Answer

The WLAN Toolbox™ provides standard-compliant functions for the design, simulation, analysis, and testing of wireless LAN communications systems. The toolbox provides configurable physical layer waveforms for IEEE® 802.11ax/ac/ad/ah and 802.11b/a/g/n/j/p standards. It also provides transmitter, channel modeling, and receiver operations, including channel coding, modulation (OFDM, DSSS, and CCK), spatial stream mapping, channel models (TGax, TGac, TGah, and TGn), and MIMO receivers.
All of the above standards are half-duplex. As of 2019, there is no commercially available wireless communication standard that is full-duplex.
You can certainly model transmit and receive on the same carrier using the propagation channel models of the WLAN Toolbox as documented here:
You can also model full-duplex communications in MATLAB and/or Simulink by creating your own signal inversion cancellation algorithm.