MATLAB: Does the WindowButtonMotionFcn callback get called more frequently with a Logitech Gaming Mouse


Why does my WindowButtonMotionFcn callback get called more frequently with a Gaming Mouse?
I have a programmatic user interface in a figure window. I have a callback set for 'WindowButtonMotionFcn' which performs some operations every time the mouse moves.
When I use my laptop trackpad or a generic mouse, the interface works as expected.
When I use my high end gaming mouse, the interface lags heavily and is delayed in responding.

Best Answer

Some gaming mouses have an exceptionally high _report rate_ which can lead to a dramatic increase in the number of mouse movement events as compared to a generic mouse.
A mouse _report rate_ is the rate at which the mouse updates the PC on changes in the mouse position. A higher report rate generally means that the 'WindowButtonMotionFcn' callback will be triggered more often. If this callback performs some nontrivial work, the extra callback triggers can lead to an unresponsive or lagging user interface.
Some gaming mice include special vendor software that allows the user to change the report-rate. If possible for your mouse, turn down the report rate to resolve the issue.