MATLAB: Does the VSIM function occasionally error out in Link for ModelSim 1.1.1 (R14)

EDA Simulator Link MQexecutablelinkmodelsimvsim

Under some circumstances, the VSIM command in MATLAB does not correctly locate and launch ModelSim.
1. I installed ModelSim 8.c on D:\Applications directory
2. I allowed ModelSim to set my path (ModelSim added the executable path to the end of MATLAB path).
3. I was able to find the vsim executable using "which vsim" command in my DOS window
4. After starting MATLAB and typing "vsim" in the command window, I got a message saying MATLAB could not find the "vsim" executable.

Best Answer

There seem to be occasional instances when having the ModelSim executable located at the bottom of the MATLAB path causes an error.
Modify the MATLAB path (type "pathtool" at the command line) to have the ModelSim path as the first path entry and restart MATLAB.