MATLAB: Does the “To Workspace” block log data to a variable called “out” starting from R2019a


When I add a To Workspace block to my model in R2019a, the data is always logged into a variable called "out", which is a Simulink.SimulationOutput object.
In previous releases, it would just directly log the data to a timeseries "simout" by default. How can I get this old behavior?

Best Answer

Whether the "To Workspace" block logs data to "out.simout" or just "simout" (or whichever variable name that you specified) depends on whether the model parameter "Single Simulation Output" is enabled or not:
Since R2019a, the default setting is that Single Simulation Output is enabled. Before that, it used to be disabled by default. This has been documented in the following release note:
To change this behavior, you can simply disable the parameter as shown in the panel above, or by running the following command:
>> set_param(gcs,'ReturnWorkspaceOutputs',off)