MATLAB: Does the text rotate in the opposite direction after I increased the java heap space memory using the JAVA.OPTS file on a MAC


I increased my java heap space memory to more than the value allowed by the slider in the Preferences menu for java heap space with the -Xms1000m command in the JAVA.OPTS file.
I have also placed this file in the MATLABROOT folder as suggested by the solution 1-18I2C.
This command did increase my memory to the desired level which I checked using the command:
Now, I notice that some text that I have on my plots are rotated the wrong way.
For example the code:
The expected output should be:
But after adding the JAVA.OPTS file I now am witnessing:

Best Answer

This issue may be with the settings for the graphics pipeline on the MAC which may be changed due to the presence of the JAVA.OPTS file.
Inserting the following line into the JAVA.OPTS file usually resolves these issues:
One should also check to see if the JAVA.OPTS file is only present in one folder on the MATLAB path. Ideally it should either be in the MATLABROOT folder or in the folder containing the executable to MATLAB.