MATLAB: Does the Stateflow Coder generate wrong code when the “Seperate arguments for input/out data” option is selected in Stateflow

4.04.1coderr12r12.1stateflowStateflow Coder

Why does the Stateflow Coder generate wrong code when the "Seperate arguments for input/out data" option is selected in Stateflow 4.1 (R12.1)?
If I select the "Seperate arguments for input/out data" option in Stateflow 4.1 (R12.1), Stateflow Coder will make the following chart.c function:
void chart(void)
/* During: Chart */
if(chartInstance.State.is_active_chart == 0) {
/* Entry: Chart */
chartInstance.State.is_active_chart = 1;
/* Entry: a */
chartInstance.State.is_chart = IN_c1_s1_a;
out = in;
Now when I generate code on Stateflow 4.0, 4.0.1 or 4.0.2 (R12) with the following options:
* Uncheck the 'Pack input/output data into structures' option
* Uncheck the 'Use global input/output data (no packing)' option
(This is the same as the "Seperate arguments for input/out data" option in Stateflow 4.1).
Stateflow Coder will make the following code:
void chart(real_T in,real_T *sf_out_Ptr)
if(chartInstance.State.is_active_chart==0) {
out = in;
The generated code from Stateflow 4.1 (or 4.0.3 and 4.0.4) is not correct because the chart function has a "void" argument.

Best Answer

This is a bug in Stateflow 4.0.3 (R12+) and beyond. This will be fixed in a future version of Stateflow.
Currently, there are no known workarounds.