MATLAB: Does the SQUEEZE function return the transpose of the expected output in MATLAB 7.2 (R2006a)


I have created the following 3-D matrix:
Lb = zeros(4,3,3);
Lb(:,:,1) = [5 2 3
0 5 1
3 5 -2
2 2 -1];
Lb(:,:,2) = [ 3 0 6
4 -3 2
5 6 4
-4 2 2];
Lb(:,:,3) = [ 4 -5 4
7 2 3
4 -5 5
3 3 0];
When I execute the SQUEEZE function on the third frame of the variable Lb.
I receive the following result:
3 5 4
5 6 -5
-2 4 5
However, I expect the following:
3 5 -2
5 6 4
4 -5 5
Lb(3,:,:) =
ans(:,:,1) =
3 5 -2
ans(:,:,2) =
5 6 4
ans(:,:,3) =
4 -5 5

Best Answer

This is the expected behavior of the SQUEEZE function. MATLAB interprets a sequence of values as a column vector (because MATLAB matrices are stored column-wise in memory), and therefore will take the values in
Lb(3,:,1) =
3 5 -2
interpret them as a column vector. The same process occurs for Lb(3,:,2) and Lb(3,:,3). The three results are then put together in the resulting matrix:
3 5 4
5 6 -5
-2 4 5
To work around this issue, use the attached function, squeeze2.m, which will detect the size of the input matrix, and transpose the result from the SQUEEZE function accordingly.