MATLAB: Does the Simulink model become unresponsive when editing a Bandpass Filter block

DSP System Toolbox

I have created a Bandpass Filter and set the block parameters as follows (example):
Frequency units: Hz
Input sample rate: 44100
Stopband freq 1: 60
Passband freq 1: 80
Passband freq 1: 100
Stopband freq 1: 120
The configuration window becomes unresponsive after I click 'Apply changes'. It cannot be closed and MATLAB cannot exit.

Best Answer

This issue has been seen before. Certain block parameters cause the Bandpass block to perform lengthy computations, resulting in the Simulink model becoming unresponsive. Generally, after several minutes, the block parameters window closes and the model will become usable once again.
Currently, there are a few options for you to consider as workarounds:
1) Replace the Bandpass block with a high-pass and a low pass-filter connected in series, which should produce the desired behavior. This seems to be the best option at the moment. If you wish to make this combination of blocks look and function like a single block with editable parameters, consider creating a mask (<>).
2) Simply wait long enough for the bandpass block computations to finish. This would likely be impractical if you have multiple instances of the block or are re-compiling the model frequently.
3) Consider changing the block parameters used to set up your band-pass filter. Whether this is feasible or not depends upon the application.