MATLAB: Does the simulation of the large Simulink model slow down when I have the Workspace browser open


I have a very large Simulink model with over 3000 parameters including Simulink Bus Objects initialized to the base workspace, from the model callback functions. When I have the workspace browser open in the MATLAB command window, the model takes a long time to update and after updation, remains at time 't=0' and the 'Running' state for upto 12 minutes.
However, when I close the workspace browser, the model runs at normal speed. I am able to reproduce this issue in R14SP3, R14SP3+ and R2006a on Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

Best Answer

There is an issue with the MATLAB Workspace browser in the way that JAVA renders all the base workspace variables when the Workspace browser is open during simulation.
As a workaround, close the MATLAB workspace browser during simulation.