MATLAB: Does the SimBiology model diagram loose its layout when I import it as an XML file generated in System Biology Workbench in SimBiology 3.1 (R2009b)


I have generated a System Biology model in XML format using System Biology Workbench J-Designer for modeling. When I import this model into SimBiology, the layout has disappeared and the diagram is unusable.

Best Answer

The "Layout Diagram" context menu of the model diagram allows the layout to be regenerated.
1) Open a new project by going to File->New Project
2) Select "Add Model". Under "Select Model to Add" choose "Load Model from File", and browse to the appropriate XML file. Select "Finish"
3) In the Model Overview, select "Diagram".
4) Anywhere in the white space of the diagram, right click the mouse and choose "Layout Diagram". You should see the model begin to redraw with a more sensible layout.
Our automatic layout algorithm is very similar to the layout algorithm used in System Biology Workbench. If the layouts were automatically generated in SBW, they should be similar to what SimBiology provides. (If the layouts were generated manually in SBW, there may be some differences.)