MATLAB: Does the server verification fail with the error “Unknown host” when using PolySpace Client for C/C++ 7.0 (R2009a)

Polyspace Client for C/C++

When I try to run a server verification, I get the following error in the Full Log even though the server exists and I am able to ping it successfully:
Verification process failed
Adding the analysis to the queue ...
Error: Unknown host : myserver.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2010a (R2010a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This error can occur if a blank space is prepended or appended to the server's name in the server field located under Edit -> Preferences -> Remote Launcher. Verify that the server name is valid and that no special characters are corrupting it.
Similarly, if there is a blank space is prepended to the port number, the following error will appear in the Full Log:
Verification process failed
PolySpace: Option 12427 is unknown or cannot be used with C language.