MATLAB: Does the SAVE_SYSTEM function not break the library links on the model


Why does the SAVE_SYSTEM function not break the library links on my model ?
For example, the help on the SAVE_SYSTEM function says:
SAVE_SYSTEM('SYS','NEWNAME','BreakLinks') saves the specified top-level
system to a file with the specified new name. Any block library links
are broken in the new file.
However, if I use the following syntax:
%Saving of system with BreakLinks :
The GET_PARAM function prompt will tell me that the link status is set to 'inactive', whereas I would expect it to be 'none'.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This has issue been forwarded to our development staff so it can be fixed in a future release of Simulink.
Currently, there are no known workarounds.