MATLAB: Does the constructor’s Data property unit (related to noise figure) specify Watts in the RF Toolbox 2.1 (R2007a) documentation

RF Toolbox

The documentation for RF Toolbox specifies the following under Properties –>Data –>Description:
"M-element vector of *** noise figure data, in watts ***, that corresponds to the frequencies stored in the Freq property. The default is 0..."
RF engineers typically refer to "noise figure" and "noise factor". They are related by
Noise figure = 10 log10(Noise factor)
Noise factor is a UNITLESS quantity. "Noise figure" data is conventionally expressed in dB (NOT dBm, or dBW, etc).
I would like clarification of the units being used.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in RF Toolbox 2.3 (R2008a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The documentation should read as follows:
M-element vector of noise figure data, in dB, that corresponds to the frequencies stored in the Freq property. The default is 0.
The implementation and M-help of RFDATA.NF are correct. To see the M-help, type the following at the command line.